Sunday, June 1, 2014


SUPERNATURAL is one of the American series that I super super loved. I had watched the series since it first aired on Malaysian television channel (TV3) in 2007. And now, its in season 12 already. And, at this moment I still like to replay the series. I even watch SUPERNATURAL in the midst of examination week. Oh, what is happening to me? I simply couldn't let myself sleeping peacefully before watching the series for the zillion of times. Orang lain mesty fikir yg cerita SUPERNATURAL tu akan menyesatkan umat Islam, kerana cerita tu mempamerkan atau memaparkan watak2 yg menyentuh hal keagamaan dan kepercayaan terutamanya bagi agama Kristian dan Islam.ada ANGEL (malaikat), Lucifer (setan) bebagai. Angel pulak siap nk lawan Tuhan, boleh jatuh ke bumi la...huhu...Tapi bagi aku SUPERNATURAL cannot effect my belief system. It couldn't change what I believe, which is ISLAM. I just enjoy watching it. It makes my believe to ALLAH more stronger, firmer. I can differentiate and I did made an evaluation between the religion of truth( which is ISLAM) and Christian. Plus, I love reading about the comparisons of Christian and Islam and I reads a lots on other religions as well. Aku suka baca buku-buku pasal agama-agama yg wujud kat dunia ni. Antara buku yg aku pernah baca ialah JESUS: THE PROPHET OF ISLAM, THE JESUS YOU CAN'T IGNORE, THE ORIGIN OF MAN, SCIENCE;AL QURAN AND BIBLE, ISLAM: THE RELIGION OF TRUTH dan banyak lagi. Bible pun aku pernah baca. Tapi, bukan aku berpegang pada kitab tersebut..haya AL QURAN yg paling suci dan penuh hikmah bagi aku.. ISLAM jugak yg paling agung.. So, bila orang pandang serong kt aku bila aku cakap aku minat cerita SUPERNATURAL tu aku cakap je la "aku boleh nilai yg mana betul yg mana palsu, dan aku masih waras lagi nk percaya yg mana satu betul dan yg mana sesat"... Apa pon, SUPERNATURAL tetap aku minat. Castiel tu handsome kot..

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