Monday, June 17, 2013


Sumayyah binti Khayyath, syahidah pertama umat Islam yang menumpahkan darahnya demi mempertahankan keimanannya bersama suami dan anak lelakinya. Teladan istimewa yang wajar dikenang sepanjang zaman. Sumayyah binti Khayyath adalah seorang hamba sahaya milik Abu Hudzaifah bin Al-Mughirah. Oleh tuannya, ia dikahwinkan dengan seorang lelaki asal Yaman yang bernama Yasir bin Amir yang merupakan perantau di kota Makkah. Kerana banyak mendapat halangan, Yasir meminta perlindungan kepada Abu Hudzaifah yang merupakan kepala suku Bani Makhzum. Hasil perkahwinannya dengan Yasir bin Amir, Sumayyah dikurniai anak lelaki yang diberi nama Ammar bin Yasir. Melalui anak lelakinya inilah, pasangan Yasir dan Sumayyah mengenali agama Islam. Suatu hari, Ammar yang mula menginjak usia remaja mendengar khabar tentang kedatangan nabi baru yang membawa ajaran Tuhan. la pun segera mencari dan ingin membuktikan khabar tersebut. Sebaik sahaja mengenali Rasulullah s.a.w., Ammar pun terus jatuh hati dan langsung mengucapkan ikrar syahadatnya. Mendapat khabar gembira, Ammar segera menceritakan kepada ayah bundanya. Berbeza dengan kebanyakan orang Quraisy yang anti bahkan memusuhi Islam, Yasir dan Sumayyah justeru menyambut gembira khabar gembira ini. Bahkan mereka kemudian mengikuti jejak Ammar untuk bersyahadat dan menjadi Muslim dan Muslimah. Keislamanan yang awalnya disembunyikan akhirnya diketahui juga. Mendengar cerita bahawa keluargaYassir ini memeluk agama Islam menimbulkan kemarahan Abu Hudzaifah. la memaksa supaya keluarga ini meninggalkan Islam dan kembali kepada agama nenek moyang mereka yang menyembah latta dan uzza. Namun ketiganya berkeras mempertahankan keyakinan mereka. Seperti yang dialami oleh golongan awal yang memeluk Islam, Yasir, Sumayyah, dan Ammar mengalami banyak sekali halangan dan cubaan. Hal ini ditambah lagi kerana status keluarga mereka yang bukan daripada kalangan bangsawan Quraisy. Akibatnya penderitaan yang mereka alami keterlaluan dan mereka diseksa dengan kejam melampaui batasan kemanusiaan. Orang yang paling kejam menyeksa mereka adalah orang-orang yang selama ini melindunginya iaitu daripada kalangan Bani Makhzum yang dipimpin Abu Hudzaifah. Sumayyah yang merupakan seorang wanita, dihumban ke atas pasir, lalu tubuhnya ditimbus dengan pasir yang sangat panas. Seakan belum puas hati, dada Sumayyah kemudiannya dihimpit dengan batu besar supaya ia tidak dapat bernafas. Lalu mereka memaks Sumayyah untuk mengimani berhala-berhala nenek moyang mereka. Namun wanita solehah ini tetap bertahan dengan keyakinannya kerana ingat janji Allah SWT bagi hamba-Nya yang bertakwa, iaitu syurga. Yasir, Sumayyah, dan Ammar terus mendapatkan seksaan yang sedemikian keji. Mereka didera, dicambuk, disalib di padang pasir yang terik, ditindih dengan batu panas, dibakar dengan besi panas, bahkan sampai ditenggelamkan ke dalam air hingga sesak nafasnya dan mengelupas kulitnya yang penuh dengan luka. Suatu hari ketika Ammar sudah tidak mampu untuk menanggung penyeksaan, ia kemudian mengadu pada Rasulullah s.a.w. mengenai keadaannya. Rasul yang setiap hari datang memberikan sokongan lantas berseru, "Sabarlah, wahai keluarga Yasir. Tempatyang dijanjikan bagi kalian adalah syurga." Sekalipun berat seksaan yang diterima, namun ketiganya tetap mempertahankan keislamannya. Ketika berada dalam keadaan sedar, tidak ada satu pun kalimat yang teriontar dari mulut ketiganya kecuali kalimat "Ahad..Ahad.." seperti yang dilontarkan Bilal bin Rabah. Hal ini semakin meningkatkan amarah orang Quraisy kerana gagal melunturkan keimanan mereka. Hingga suatu ketika, orang Quraisy berasa putus asa dengan keteguhan iman ketiganya, mereka memutuskan membunuh Sumayyah. Adalah Abu Jahal yang melaksanakan perbuatan keji tersebut. Dengan tombaknya yang runcing, Abu Jahal menjadikan Sumayyah mujahidah pertama yang gugur di jalan Allah apabila tombak tersebut menembusi dada Sumayyah. Menjelang wafatnya, tidak sedetik pun Sumayyah menggadaikan keimanannya. Sumayyah binti Khayyath simbol ketabahan hati, kekuatan iman, dan ketangguhan jiwa seorang mujahidah. la rela mengorbankan segala-galanya, termasukjiwa dan raganya demi Islam. Sumayyah binti Khayyath syahid dengan meninggalkan teladan yang luar biasa. Tidak hairan ia menjadi wanita yang sangat mulia dengan keberanian dan ketabahannya. "Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan (sahaja) mengatakan: "Kami telah beriman" sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi?" (Surah Al Ankabut, ayat 2).


Zinnirah adalah seorang gadis yang berasal dari Rome. Kehidupan keluarganya sangat miskin dan dalam keadaan serba kekurangan. Ketika berlaku satu peperangan besar di Rome, Zinnirah terpisah daripada keluarganya lalu menjadi tawanan perang. Sejak itu dia dijual sebagai hamba dan sering bertukar tangan. Sepanjang menjadi hamba abdi, Zinnirah dilayan dengan kasar dan adakalanya diperlakukan seperti binatang oleh tuannya. Suatu hari Zinnirah berkenalan dengan seorang hamba yang senasib dengannya. Perkenalan itu akhirnya membawa Nur Islam dalam diri Zinnirah kerana hamba itu menerangkan ajaran yang disampaikan oleh Rasulullah. Penerangan yang tulus itu membuka hati Zinnirah untuk memeluk Islam. Namun, dia terpaksa melakukan ibadat secara rahsia kerana tuannya memusuhi Islam. Nasibnya lebih malang apabila dia bertukar tangan kepada bangsawan Quraisy yang sangat berpengaruh masa itu, Umar Al-Khattab. Ketika itu, Umar belum memeluk Islam dan juga tidak mengetahui keIslaman Zinnirah. Umar yang sangat memusuhi Rasulullah terkenal dengan bengis dan kasarnya sehingga digeruni, baik lawan maupun kawan. Akhirnya, Umar mengetahui mengenai keIslaman Zinnirah apabila suatu hari dia mendengar gadis itu membaca al-Quran. Ini menimbulkan kemarahan Umar yang mahu menghukumnya dengan siksaan berat. "Tahukah kamu apa hukuman yang layak untukmu?" Tanya Umar keras dengan wajah bak singa sambil mengheret Zinnirah ke tengah padang pasir. Di situ, Umar mengikat khaki dan tangan Zinnirah dan menjemurnya di tengah panas terik. "Inilah caranya supaya kamu insaf," katanya lalu meninggalkan Zinnirah di situ. Walaupun mukanya perit dipanah matahari dan kehausan, Zinnirah tabah menghadapi penderitaan itu sambil mulutnya tidak berhenti membisikkan Allah.. Allah... Apabila melihat hamba abdinya belum insaf, Umar menyeretnya ke pinggir kota dan mengikatnya di tiang. Dia menyuruh orang mengorek mata Zinnirah sehingga buta. Walaupun darah bercucuran daripada matanya dan dia diejek oleh orang kafir Quraisy yang percaya dia dilaknat tuhan Latta dan Uzza, iman Zinnirah tidak luntur malah mampu berkata, "Sekalipun aku dibunuh, kepercayaanku masih tetap pada Allah yang Esa." Penderitaannya itu akhirnya sampai ke pengetahuan Abu Bakar as-Siddiq yang membeli Zinnirah dengan harga tinggi. Sejak itu, dia tekun beribadat dan dengan kurnia Allah, kedua-dua matanya yang buta itu bercahaya semula. Peristiwa yang mengagumkan ini menyebabkan ramai orang Quraisy memeluk Islam.


I've read this story once in a story book, where it foretold most stories about wives of the Prophet (Chosen ones) and their life. In this story is the love story between Prince Sulaiman and his wife Princess Balqis. I remembered roughly of the story and how it begin, but I will try my best in remembering it again. This is a true story, happened on this very Earth sometime in the very distant past. The story started when Allah have granted Prophet to Sulaiman, whom was a noble King. One of his gift, was to be able to speak the language of animals, and also able to command humans alike as well as jinns. He has commanded them to find rare pearls in the deepest oceans, giving out treasures not known to man, built buildings that is unable to be imaginable by a human thoughts, travels distances in matter of seconds. This is the gift from Allah to him, and Prophet Sulaiman is a very humble servant of Allah taala. One particular day, there was a certain bird called Hoopoe whom went lost in one evening after given a task by Prophet Sulaiman to find a source of water, and then had to report in to Prophet Sulaiman, the Hoopoe has been wondering in some place and have seen some things, the Hoopoe was scared that he will be punished by Prophet Sulaiman for not following the orders of Sulaiman and flying circled around in his throne. Animals sometimes does this showing their regret when doing a mistakes to their master. Prophet Sulaiman asked on why he was late, and told that Hoope that he will be punished, unless he gives a valid reason. In panic, the Hoope remembered something (in which as I understood, Allah have given a thought to the Hoopoe) and told Prophet Sulaiman, the Hoopoe said "Prophet Sulaiman, do not punish me.. because I will tell you something of your interest." In the Hoopoe's defense, Prophet Sulaiman is willing to hear the Hoopoe's defense, and the Hoopoe said that in a distant civilization there is a princess that is so beautiful with a strength in army and numbers in people, but their beliefs are praying to the sun, which in Prophet Sulaiman's view is a sign of people whom have not seen the akidah (true way of life). Listening so, the Prophet said that the Hoopoe is lucky because this piece of information caught his interest and he wanted to deliberate her and her people by marrying with her. Prophet Sulaiman wrote a letter, puts the letter on the bird and told the bird to send this letter to Princess Balqis. Upon some time, when the letter has reached the attention of Princess Balqis, as she opened the letter as it read.. "In the name of Allah, the most loving and caring, this letter is from me Sulaiman. Do not ever be arrogant towards me or even considered yourself more than me. Come to me in a peaceful surrenderance" She consulted her ministers for advice, and as they are negotiating, they have come to a final decision and replied with a messenger, a man from her civilization was sent as a scout with gold and silvers (seen as a gift / tribute) to see Prophet Sulaiman and the reply said "We have come to give you this token of tribute, if we ever cross any lines." as Prophet Sulaiman replied "That what Allah have gave to me is far better than what He has gave to you, but you feel that you are better with your 'gift'. Return young man to your civilization, and we will come to you with an army in which you will never survive fighting it, and everyone will be sent away from that country of yours (Saba) and will become prisoners that has of no value." In fear, the young man quickly get onto his horse and return back home. While the counsil were discussing with each other, many of the military officers were backfired and wanted to attack, they said to Princess Balqis that their armies were seen strong enough to fight Prophet Sulaiman. Here is where Balqis show her inteligence, and said to them that a peaceful approach must be found. She then told her counsil of her wishes to see Prophet Sulaiman herself, which opens up many questions to the counsil people. In the end, the elders of the counsil agreed to her wishes, granted that she brings a small army along with her. Upon leaving her country, Prophet Sulaiman was instantly informed by the creatures of the winds and he was also preparing himself to receive the visit by the Princess. Hence he commands the people, animals and Jinns to form an army, lined up well to show his apparent power given by Allah to the princess. When the princess is halfway there, Prophet Sulaiman asked his most cunning creatures on weather they can do a hard task for him, the first one whom answered was the Ifreet Jinn, and he said "Before you even stand up from your throne, I will bring you whatever you wish." Ifreet being the most smartest among the Jinns, agreed to the task. Prophet Sulaiman wants to take Princess Balqis physical castle, and place it beside his. In this event, a man of the books whom stood beside Prophet Sulaiman interrupted and said, "Oh Prophet Sulaiman, I can do such a task in just a blink of an eye" hence that man is one whom is with knowledge. Prophet Sulaiman said to that man to fulfill his wishes, and as he read a few words, the castle where Princess Balqis lives now resides beside Prophet Sulaiman's Castle. (In my opinion, the man with knowleadge is one whom studies the old books, gifted also by Allah a certain knowleadge which is high in level) When the princess arrived, Prophet Sulaiman greeted her and accompany her to her own castle which he said was his on purpose. When she looked at it, it feels like she knows this castle arhitecture, and when she enters the castle it feels like dejavu, and looking confused back to Prophet Sulaiman. The prophet said, "Is it not like your castle?" The princess replied, "Yes it is.. similar like my castle" but she knows inside it is definitely her castle. Even as her emotions were filled with fear and confusement at that moment understanding that man, prophet Sulaiman. Then as they walked around the castle, He then asked gently to visit his own true castle. As Princess Balqis went inside, she seen that it is very-very beautiful because it is made out pure glass. As she wanted to step in, she sees like a pool of water, and held up her skirt until her beautiful legs can be seen by prophet Sulaiman. Then when she stepped on the water, it is not water, but actually glass. Prophet Sulaiman said to her "this castle is slippery which is made out of glass".. and Princess Balqis among other thing felt ashamed of herself as she has shown a part of her to Prophet Sulaiman, "My God, I have made a grave mistake upon myself, and I now surrender myself to you Sulaiman and to Allah, the creator of this Universe", she felt very vulnuerable that almost like crying, but Prophet Sulaiman was a kind man towards her, and gently held her hands while forgiving her. Prophet Sulaiman then tells her of his interest in marrying such a woman like her, and she accepted the offer as she was amazed by prophet Sulaiman's ways. When their marriage started is when both civilization were joined up together, and their old beliefs is now embraced with Islam, the true way of life, beliving in the One supereme creator Allah taala. Princess Balqis, is half Jinn, whereby her father was a human being and her mother is a Jinn. She has the beauty of her mother. This is some of the few many stories in Islam history, written in the Quran and al-hadis.


From the story of Yusuf and Zulaikha we learn what part beauty plays in the world of love. Yusuf was the youngest son of Jacob, the seer, who was blest with the gift of prophecy as were several among his ancestors. He was thrown into a well by his elder brothers, who were jealous of his beauty and the influence that it had on their father and everyone that met him. 'Not love alone, but beauty also has to pay its forfeit.' Some merchants traveling that way saw Yusuf in the well as they were drawing water, and took him up and sold him as a slave to a chief of Misr, who, charmed by the beautiful manner of this youth, made him his personal attendant. Zulaikha, the wife of this chief, grew fonder every day of this handsome youth. She talked to him, she played with him, she admired him, and she raised him in her eyes from a slave to a king. 'Those crowned with beauty are always kings, even if they are in rags or sold as slaves.' 'A true king is always a king, with or without a throne.' The friends and relations of Zulaikha began to tell tales about her having fallen in love with Yusuf, and, as it is natural for people to take interest in the faults of others, it eventually put Zulaikha in a difficult position. She once invited all her relations and friends, and put into the hands of each of them a lemon and a knife, and told them all to cut the lemons when she should tell them, and then called Yusuf. When he came she told them to cut the lemons, but the eyes of everyone among them were so attracted by the appearance of Yusuf, that many instead of cutting the lemon cut their fingers, thereby stamping on their fingers also the love of Yusuf. 'Beauty takes away from the lover the consciousness of self.' Zulaikha, so entirely won by Yusuf, forgot in the love of him what is right, what is wrong. 'Reason falls when love rises.' They became more intimate every day until a spell of passion came and separated them. When the shadow of passion fell upon the soul of Yusuf, Zulaikha happened to think of covering the face of the idol, which was in her room. This astonished Yusuf and made him ask her, 'What doest thou?' She said, 'I cover the face of my god that seeth us with his eyes full of wrath.' This startled Yusuf. He was the vision of his father pointing his finger towards heaven. Yusuf said, 'Stay, O Zulaikha, of what hast thou put me in mind! The eyes of thy god can be covered with a piece of cloth, but the eyes of my God cannot be covered. He seeth me wherever I am.' 'He is man who remembers God in anger and fears God in passion,' says Zafar. Zulaikha, blinded by the overwhelming darkness of passion, would not desist, and when he still refused, her passion turned into wrath. She hated him and cursed him and reminded him of his low position as a slave. On this he began to leave the room, and she caught him by the nape of the neck and thus Yusuf's garment was torn. The chief happened to enter the room during this. He was amazed at this sight, which neither Zulaikha nor Yusuf could hide. Before he asked her anything she complained to him, in order to hide her evident fault, that Yusuf had made an attempt to lay hands upon her, which naturally enraged the chief, and he at once gave orders that Yusuf should be taken to prison for life. 'The righteous have more trials in life than the unrighteous.' Prison was a delight to the truthful Yusuf, who had kept his torch alight through the darkness of passion while walking in the path of love. It was not long before the spell upon Zulaikha faded, and then came a settled melancholy. There was no end to her sorrow and repentance. 'Love dies in passion, and is again born of passion.' Years passed, and the pain of Zulaikha's heart consumed her flesh and blood. She wasted away. On one side was the love of Yusuf, on the other side the constant trouble that her guilty conscience caused her and the idea that her own beloved had been thrown into prison on her account, which almost took her life away. Time, which changes all things, changed the conditions of Yusuf's life. Though he was in prison he had never blamed Zulaikha, by reason of her love, but he became every day more deeply immersed in the thought of her and yet remained firm in his principle, which is the sign of the godly. He was loved and liked by those in the prison, and he interpreted their dreams whenever they asked him. Yusuf's presence made the prison heaven for the prisoners. But Zulaikha, after the death of her husband, fell into still greater misery. After many years it happened that Pharaoh dreamed a dream which greatly startled and alarmed him. Among all the soothsayers and magicians in the land there was none who could interpret his dream. Then he was told by his servants of Yusuf and his wonderful gift of interpreting dreams. He sent for Yusuf, who after having been told Pharaoh's dream gave the interpretation of it, and by his wise counsel he greatly relieved the King in his cares. Pharaoh made him chief over all his treasures, and bestowed on him honor and power that raised him in the eyes of the world. 'Verily the truth at last is victorious.' Then his brothers came to Yusuf, and afterwards his father Jacob, who was released from the years of pain that he had suffered through his love of Yusuf. 'The reward of love never fails the lover.' Once Yusuf, riding with his retinue, happened to pass by the place where Zulaikha in her utter misery was spending her days. On hearing the sound of horses' hoofs many people ran to see the company passing, and all called out, 'It is Yusuf, Yusuf!' On hearing this, Zulaikha desired to look at him once again. When Yusuf saw her he did not recognize her, but he halted, seeing that some woman wished to speak with him. He was moved to see a person in such misery, and asked her, 'What desirest thou of me?' She said, 'Zulaikha has still the same desire, O Yusuf, and it will continue here and in the hereafter. I have desired thee, and thee alone I will desire.' Yusuf became very convinced of her constant love, and was moved by her state of misery. He kissed her on the forehead, and took her in his arms and prayed to God. The prayer of the prophet and the appeal of long-continued love attracted the blessing of God, and Zulaikha regained her youth and beauty. Yusuf said to Zulaikha, 'From this day thou becomest my beloved queen.' They were then married and lived in happiness. 'Verily God hearkens attentively to the cry of every wretched heart. '

Sunday, June 16, 2013


assalamualaikum.. It's just a feeling of a typical-grown up-girl. I like a guy. I don't know why I like him, so don't ask me why. It happens, just like that. When I saw him I felt like I want to see him more and more. But, I'm not the type of silly girl who tend to approach the guy they like. It’s okay, If I just look at him. It's something that I embarrassed to admit, I like him. Is it wrong for me to like someone?? O Allah, I do like him! I saw him on my orientation week in UUM, Northern University of Malaysia. I saw him and then I look at him, again and again..And, on the last day of the orientation week I kept on seeing him, secretly. I don't know why I like to watch him. Maybe, because of his look, his smile and his eyes. I just like him in his way. Till one night, my best friend a.k.a my roommate asked me. "Do you like the senior that we met on the orientation week?"..and I was like, " how do you now bout that? ..She just said, "I know la...the way you looked at him, like He's someone special. You looked at him like you'd fall for him..OK, that's an embarrassing fact to admit. She knew that I like him. She added that, she can detect that by just looking at the way I looked at him. I even ignored her while I secretly looking at him.. O God, what had happened to me??? As a girl with pride, I'll just look at him from far. I'll strain myself from telling him that I like him, although I always excited when I saw him..To me It's just a feeling of admiring someone, not more than that..Allah had prepared someone for me. So don't worry, Asmaa. be patient to give your heart to that man that destined to be with you...BY ME... a silly girl who had like a guy...

Friday, June 14, 2013

I luv Prophet Muhammad.

This is dedicated to the beloved Prophet Muhammad.. YOU CAME TO ME.. You came to me in that hour of need When I was so lost, so lonely You came to me took my breath away Showed me the right way, the way to lead You filled my heart with love Showed me the light above Now all I want Is to be with you You are my one true love Taught me to never judge Now all I want Is to be with you Sal 'ala Sayideena Mustafa 'Alaa Habeebika Nabieeka Mustafa (O God! Send Your Blessings upon our leader, the chosen one (Muhammad (peace upon him)) Upon Your Beloved, Your Prophet, the chosen one) You came to me in a time of despair I called on you, you were there Without You what would my life mean? To not know the unseen, the worlds between For you I'd sacrifice For you I'd give my life Anything, just to be with you I feel so lost at times By all the hurt and lies Now all I want Is to be with you Showed right from wrong Taught me to be strong Need you more than ever Ya Rasul ALLAH (O Messenger of God (Muhammad (peace be upon him)) You came to me In that hour of need Need you more than ever Ya Rasul ALLAH You filled my heart with love Showed me the light above Now all I want is to be with you You are my one true love Taught me to never judge Now all I want Is to be with you

Atika Bt Zayd's Love Story

Atika was the daughter of Zaid bin Amr bin Naufal. Zaid was the uncle of the Umar. Atika was thus a cousin of Umar. At Madina, Atika was married to Abdullah the son of Abu Bakr. Atika was very beautiful and Abdullah was much enamoured of her. He was so much lost in her love that he failed to participate in the various expeditions undertaken by the Muslims. He even neglected to offer his prayers in the mosque. The love of Abdullah and Atika became proverbial. Abdullah felt that Atika was the most valuable thing in the world. When Abu Bakr came to know that Abdullah had not taken part in the various expeditions and had even neglected his prayers, he put him to explanation. He had no explanation to offer. The matter of fact position was that he was so much overwhelmed by the love of Atika that he could not attend to other duties. Abu Bakr gave vent to anger and told his son in plain words that his failings and shortcomings were too grave to be passed over. Abdullah placed himself at the mercy of his father, and Abu Bakr decreed that Abdullah should divorce Atika within three days. Abdullah was torn between two minds. At times he thought that he should be faithful to his love. On second thought he felt that the command of his father should be obeyed whatever the cost. After three days Abdullah divorced Atika. This decision made Abdullah deranged. He would neither eat nor drink. He sobbed and sighed and sang heart rending verses giving expression to his great grief over the loss of his beloved. The divorce of Atika became the matter of talk in Medina. When the Holy Prophet came to know of the matter, he felt sympathy for Abdullah. The Holy Prophet revoked the divorce, and the two lovers were reunited. Abdullah was very particular thereafter to ensure that the love for Atika did not stand in the way of his duty to God. In all the campaigns that were undertaken by the Holy Prophet thereafter, Abdullah took part therein, and fought valiantly. In the battle of Taif, Abdullah was wounded, and later he died of such wounds at Madina. Atika bitterly mourned th death of Abdullah, and in a touching elegy she said: "Abdullah I have sworn that my eyes Shall not cease grieving over thee; And my body shall ever remain,Covered with dust." Atika resolved that after Abduliah she would not marry any one. She kept her resolve for four or five years. Umar felt for her. He felt distressed that one so young and beautiful should remain a widow. Umar advised her that she shauld marry. When Umar became the Caliph, he himself offered to marry. After some hesitation, Atika accepted the proposal. After the consummation of the marriage, when Umar held the marrige feast, Ali congratulated Umar, and sought his permission to talk to the bride. Umar permitted and Ali reminded Atika of her resolve not to marry any one after Abdullah. Thereupon Atika burst into weeping. Umar consolingly said: "Atika do not be grieved. All women do like that. May God bless you. By re-marriage yau have conformed to the injunctions of Islam." Of Umar, Atika had a son "Ayaz".

Saturday, June 8, 2013


I can speak English, Malay and Spanish, I can do fashion sketching, I can read and teach English, I can sing and I can write poems. There are more things that I can do. I studied Diploma in Teaching English and then enrolled Bachelor of International Affairs Management with honours. I learn about the world of politics. And I took part in politics. What I am going to do in future? A piece of me want to be a Language teacher/lecturer. Other, fashion designer, writer and politician. My grand father want me to take part in politics. He even insisted that next five years, I would be participated in the election. He wants me to be like my father, who became one of the important person in a political party. what I am going to do about that??? I cannot simply getting involve in the wold of politics without knowing much more about it. So I'll work harder in studying politics. And what happen to my fashion-sketching-ability??? I'm not going to waste it. I am going to design and design even though I'm busy, and Insyaallah I want to come up with my own fashion line in future. What about my writing skill?? hmmnn...I can write books on politics, education, language learning, and life. novels maybe. Insyaallah...what about my dreams of having a cake house, having my own brand of shoes, and many more..what i'm going to be and do in my future??? WHAT EVER WILL HAPPEN WITH MY FUTURE I'LL LET ALLAH DECIDE IT FOR ME..BUT, I'LL LEARN MORE AND I WOULD NEVER GIVE UP IN THE SEARCHING FOR KNOWLEDGE JOURNEY..