Friday, September 27, 2013

Dear Pemilik Tulang Rusuk Ku..

Assalamualaikum...hmm...I'm just wondering on what will happen to me in 5 years time. As a normal growing up girl, I began to think about my future imam. What kind of man will he be. I always pray to Allah that HE will give me a good/soleh man. I want a good man to become my imam. I'm not really a good muslimah, so I need someone who can guide me. I'm the one who easily turn my life upside down when I'm really sad and disappoint with my life. I want a good companion to correct me when I'm wrong. But...I always tell myself that "Ya Nur Asmaa..If you want a good man as your husband, don't look for them but make you yourself a good muslimah..then you'll get a soleh husband.." Yes.. I believe that Allah will give me a good man if I'm a good need for me to look for them but I must prepare myself to be a good muslimah...Insyaallah.. I don't really care about man's handsome face. I don't really care about their physical appearances as long as he is soleh ( as me my self's just a typical girl ) parents asked me whether I have a special boy-friend or not..and I was like..NO...cause I hate the "couple thing". They asked me cause they already worried about me. They think that I'M old enough to not having a boy-friend..HELLO, I'm just 22 years old o.k...And guess what, my mum said that she already had my sister (ANGAH) at my age...waaa...I asked them why they asked me bout that thing and they told me " most of your school friends are getting married this year and we wonder when you'll get married.." Nah, that's the problem. I told them, jodoh kan Allah yg tentukan...Allah had decided for me..when and who Allah knows...And they said 'Yes my dear daughter, tapi awak kena la jugak cari..berkawan..." To make them stop I said 'Insyaallah, the time will come'.... It's not like I don't have boy friends..but I just be friend with them..not more than that..I want to give my heart to the man that deserved it. A man that have the right to own heart and soul. That's the only special thing that I have to offer to him once he had become my husband. I don't want to ruin it. I'll protect it..( although I sometimes admiring handsome guys )I want a halal relationship, not the "boy-friend-girl-friend type" relationship. It's better love after nikah..insyaallah, we will get HIS barakah... So....dear my Mister Right, I'll wait for you..Insyaallah. If you love me, come and meet my parents..

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Peoples say " The best love story is when u fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time"..Yes it definitely true. An unexpected person which is a guy that I've known for so long had confessed his love to me. Wow, I'm speechless at that moment. I even asked him since when? and guess what, he fell for me years ago. Okay, as for me I do happy when he is around. He always makes me laugh by telling me his jokes. But as a girl who never fall in love and as a girl who inexperienced in lovey-dovey things aside from admiring handsome guys, I don't know whether this is that thing called love or not.. But surely, my heart keep telling me that I like him too. And I appreciated his love for me. I admire him because I think he is brave enough to confess his love for me.But tell you what, we are not couple. We are not boyfriend-girlfriend type relationship. I don't want that. I just want a typical friend-like relationship, not until we had a halal relationship.Enough if we talking and advising each other .And although now we are facing a biggest test and challenge in our relationship I'll still keep on praying to Allah that we can be together some day, Amiin..If we cannot be together I'll accept the Qada and Qadr with an open heart as me myself believe that Allah had prepared something special for me and I'll never forget that..Insyaallah. As for the time being I'll keep on praying that "THEIR" hearts will be opened and accept us and we will live happily ever after and our love last till Jannah..